About revSPORT and how does it work?

Australian Sailing provides access to our chosen online platform,  for affiliated Clubs and Class Associations as well as accredited Discover Sailing Centres to manage membership, events, courses and other processes. The provider of the online platform is RevolutioniseSPORT (revSPORT)

About the revolutioniseSPORT platform

revolutioniseSPORT is an out-of-the-box platform, meaning that every one of their clients get the same product. However, the product can be customised based on your needs. 

revolutioniseSPORT is not a bespoke software developer. This means that revolutioniseSPORT won't build every new development that Australian Sailing request. Each request is reviewed but won't necessarily be actioned and no timeframe for development can be promised due to the volume of requests revolutioniseSPORT receives.

Australian Sailing system structure

Australian Sailing is a tiered system, with Australian Sailing as the peak parent portal. The system is made up of three tiers: 

National Issuing of Australian Sailing Number
Provision of accredited course templates
Provision of qualifications
Aggregate reporting of members
State State specific reporting of members
Club Maintains restricted admin access
Provides club membership
Enables club specific events, site and communication

What does this mean?

All portals in revSPORT are linked together which allows data to flow up and down between the levels, club to state, state to national etc. This allows Australian Sailing to carry out reporting as required by government agenices and to continue to grow and support the sport of Sailing. 

As the peak portal, Australian Sailing staff will be able to access each portal in the system - this enables Australian Sailing to provide support to each club in using the system. 

The Club portal

The club/class/centre portal provides everyone with a suite of tools to assist in managing your club. 

The member data in your revSPORT portal, flows up into the relevant state layer and synchronises nationally. 

The Member profile

Within this structure one member profile exists per member regardless of how many clubs you are involved in or how many years you have participated. This profile is generated:

- An Australian Sailing Number
- A username
- A password

Once a member has registered for the first time, they will then be required to renew from that point on. Renewing will maintain their existing profile with all of their existing information. This means one login, one username and one password, and a comprehensive history of all memberships, events, courses and qualifications.