
What is SailPass: SailPass is a means by which a non-member can go sailing at your Club – it’s a form of introductory or short term membership (for a day); a simple way to get more people having fun in boats at your club and breaks down lots of barriers to sailing.

All the resources you need to activate SailPass at your club can be found below:

SailPass Support
Marketing Toolkit
SailPass Finder


What is a SailPass & why is it necessary?

SailPass is a means by which a non-member can go sailing at your Club – it’s a form of introductory or short-term membership (for a day or days).

  • It offers safe, quick, easy and affordable access to sailing
  • It breaks down the perceived barriers to sailing
  • It has potential to target new markets and offers you a marketing database
  • It’s a massive safety improvement
  • It’s compliance friendly
  • It’s increasingly popular and successful in clubs currently utilising it
  • Mostly – it is a simple way to get more people, having fun in boats at your club


The major benefits to your club

  • It’s an attractive proposition
  • A flexible introduction to sailing at clubs for people new to the sport
  • It’s accessible, welcoming, quick, easy & affordable
  • It’s mobile friendly & integrated
  • It breaks down the perceived barriers to sailing - sailing is expensive, inaccessible and unsafe.
  • Creation of a marketing database to allow you to communicate with potential members
  • Addresses the Australian Sailing racing rules & personal insurance
  • It gets a big safety tick
  • You know who is on the water
  • Improves your risk management
  • Allows you to collect participant information including ‘next of kin’ details
  • It ticks a number of compliance boxes
  • Addresses the use of your clubs by non-members

Mostly – it is a simple way to get more people, having fun in boats at your club

Take a look at how SailPASS is benefiting clubs via the videos below:




Further information about SailPass implementation

  • Ensure your club's constitution or rules allow you to have a temporary membership category
  • There is no fee charged by Australian Sailing for the implementation and delivery of the SailPass functionality in the revSPORT system
  • Australian Sailing does not dictate the pricing structure charged to participants by affiliated clubs for a SailPass
  • People who register for a SailPass will not impact the affiliation fees paid by a club
  • To view SailPass case studies see the links below.