Safety information notices

Safety Information Notices

Safety Information Notices (SIN) are issued by Australian Sailing through its Safety Committee for the benefit of the sailing community. They are non-binding and may be used by Clubs in the conduct of their activities or crews when considering safety issues.

Issues to be addressed by a SIN may be raised by any party. This may include boat owners, members of the marine industry, clubs, officials, state safety committees or Australian Sailing.

Australian Sailing will consider the matters in accordance with its risk policies and seek expert comment as appropriate to the request and formulate a SIN in response to the issue.

SIN’s will be provided in the form of information advising the reader on the issue being addressed.

The position taken by Australian Sailing will not always be via regulation and may often be facilitated by communication and education consistent Australian Sailing’s policies on managing risk and thorough consideration after appropriate consultation.

Australian Sailing may review, revise or withdraw a SIN as it considers appropriate.