
Safety underpins all sailing activities in Australia

The geography and climate of Australia are well suited for sailing, and it is a popular activity offering a healthy lifestyle choice. However, across the country’s waterways, the conditions can vary greatly and can change quickly from a calm day to life threatening. Therefore, safety in all its aspects must feature as a high priority, not just for the sport of sailing itself, but for its volunteers, officials, clubs, and classes and their members. 

Online Safety Induction

A short, online safety course designed for Sailing Managers, Race Officials, Sailing Committee Members and Class Association Officials. The course will outline the safety related roles played by different organisations or people in sailing.

  Take the course

Club/Class Risk and Incident Management

Available resources for Clubs and Classes to use as a guide to assist when managing their safety management systems, risk management plans and incident response plans. 

  Access the resources here

Special Regulations

The Special Regulations purpose is to establish uniform minimum equipment, training and specifications standards for racing boats. There is effectively a rule that applies when racing, and they come in two parts, one for racing yachts and a second for off the beach boats.

   Find out more

Safety Information Notices

Safety Information Notices are issued by Australian Sailing to benefit the sailing community. They are non-binding and may be used by Clubs in the conduct of their activities or crews when considering safety issues.

  View the latest notices

Equipment Auditing

Equipment Auditors are trained and accredited by Australian Sailing to audit boats against the Special Regulations.


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The Safety Committee

The Safety Committee oversees the strategic direction of Australian Sailing’s safety program. This involves reviewing, proposing and interpreting Special Regulations, and providing policy and other safety advice for the sport of sailing.

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Major Incident Reports

Incident reports are an opportunity to enable our sport as a whole to learn from the lessons and situations that occurred.


  View the reports


Beacons - EPIRBS and PLBs

No matter whether you’re travelling by land, sea or air, a GPS equipped distress beacon can mean all the difference in a life- threatening situation. It is important to have your beacon properly stored, maintained and registered.

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Maritime Regulatory Authorities

Available resources from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and state maritime authorities.


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