Racing Rules of Sailing

The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) governs the sport of sailboat, sailboard and kite board racing. It is revised and published every four years by World Sailing. The 2025-2028 version is available to download.

All rule references within the ‘Blue Book’ are bookmarked allowing for easy navigation throughout the publication.

2025-2028 Racing Rules of Sailing

2025-2028 Racing Rules of Sailing ‘Blue Book’ with Australian Sailing prescriptions.

  2025-2028 Racing Rules of Sailing

Summary of changes to 2025-2028 Racing Rules of Sailing

World Sailing and Australian Sailing have produced documents and presentations to assist with learning what changes were made to the 2025-2028 version of the RRS

  WS 2025-2028 RRS World Sailing (Study Version)

  WS 2025-2028 RRS Changes & Corrections

 AS Changes to the RRS – Presentation Article

  AS Summarised changes for Competitors

  AS Summarised changes for Race Management

Introductory Rules of Racing

These rules are experimental and are written for off the beach sailors who are starting to race small dinghies and have no more than 2 years of racing experience. Their intended used would be for a Green Fleet regatta.

  Introductory Racing Rules of Sailing