Sail Numbers Prefix



In addition to the un-prefixed numbers allocated in New South Wales and Queensland, the following prefixes have been allocated in Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.


A Sydney Amateur (NSW) MYC Manly (NSW)
A Hobart Offshore Div. (TAS) MYC Mindarie Yacht Club (WA)
A RAAF Yacht Club (VIC) N Nedlands (WA)
AB Apollo Bay Sailing Club N Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club (NSW)
ASC Army SC (VIC) NC Port Albert (VIC)
AW Albury-Wodonga (VIC) OR Newport Cruising Yacht Club (QLD)
B Royal Brighton (VIC) PA Ocean Racing Club of Victoria (VIC)
Bt Ballarat (VIC) PA Port Adelaide Sailing Club (SA)
b Blairgowrie (VIC) PCSC Port Cygnet Sailing Club (TAS)
BR Black Rock (VIC) PD Port Dalrymple (TAS)
BSC Balmain Sailing Club (NSW) PF Perth Flying Squadron Yacht Club (WA)
C Claremont (WA) PF Port Fairy (VIC)
C Canberra (ACT) PH Port Hacking (NSW)
C Capricornia (QLD) PL Port Lincoln Yacht Club (SA)
CB Couta Boat Club (VIC) Po Portland (VIC)
CB Coffin Bay Yacht Club (SA) PT Portarlington (VIC)
CR Cruising YC (WA) Q Queenscliff-Lonsdale (VIC) 
D Darwin Sailing Club (NT)  QCY Queensland Cruising YC (QLD)
DSC Deviot Sailing Club (TAS) R Royal Y.C. of Vic. (VIC)
E Esperance (WA) R  Royal Perth (WA)
EF East Fremantle (WA) RF Royal Freshwater Bay (WA)
e Elwood (VIC) RQ Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron (QLD)
F Fremantle (WA) S Royal Melbourne (VIC)
F Flinders (VIC) SA Royal SA Yacht Squadron (SA)
G Royal Geelong (VIC)  SC Sunshine Coast Yacht Club (QLD)
GL Gipsland Lakes (VIC) SM Sandringham (VIC)
GT Geelong Trailable (VIC) So Sorrento (VIC)
H Hobart Half Ton (TAS) SP South of Perth (WA)
H Hobsons Bay (VIC) Ss Somers (VIC)
HI Hamilton Island (QLD) SV Sailing Schools Assn. (VIC)
HY Hillarys Yacht Club (WA) SY Swan YC (WA)
HYC Huon (TAS) SYC Southport Yacht Club (QLD)
KB Koombana Bay (WA) TL Trailable YC (VIC)
LH Hampton (VIC) TYC Tamar (TAS)
LH Lake Hawthorn (VIC) V Multihull (VIC)
LV Latrobe Valley (VIC) W Whitsunday Sailing Club (QLD)
LW Lake Wellington (VIC) W Williamstown (VIC)
M Mersey (TAS) WS Western Port MS (VIC)
M Lake Macquarie (NSW) Wt Warneet (VIC)
M Multihull (QLD) WP Westernport YC (VIC)
M Mornington (VIC) Wm Weste
M Mount Martha (VIC) rn Port Mariners Club (VIC) 
Mc McCrae (VIC) Y Yaringa Mariners Club (VIC)
MB Mounts Bay (WA) YC Cruising Yacht Club of SA (SA)
MB Moreton Bay Boat Club (QLD) YS Yachting South Australia (SA)
ME Metung (VIC) Θ Hobart JOG (TAS)
MH Middle Harbour (NSW)    
MK Mackay (QLD)