Sail Numbers

Sail Numbers

Sail Numbers Quick Facts

  • Australian Sailing is the issuing authority for sail numbers for yachts.
  • Only members of affiliated clubs are able to purchase an exclusive licence to use a unique sail number.
  • Clubs cannot issue sail numbers unless they have a registered prefix.

About Sail Numbers

Sail numbers are an important way of uniquely identifying a yacht for a variety of purposes.

They are a requirement for racing, and could be critical in a search and rescue situation. 

You can apply for a sail number to be issued for your yacht via the application form below.

Allocations are split in to four categories:

Next available number = $220
Transfer (for use when a sale of a yacht has taken place) = $110
Requested number (subject to availability) = $440
AUS/SYD Prefix (eg: SYD100) = $2,200

Please note that the issuance of a sail number does not include any physical sail numbers to apply to the sails. These should be purchased from a sailmaker.

Ownership of the sail number always remains with Australian Sailing. The Licensee does not acquire ownership or any other intellectual property rights by virtue of the Licence Agreement. Sail numbers are entered into the Australian Sailing database and this is linked to the Licensee's membership record.

Transfer of Licence
A sail number may be transferred only after the Licensee advises Australian Sailing of their wish to terminate the licence and provides contact details of the new proposed Licensee. The new proposed Licensee has to apply online for a sail number transfer and pay the related fee to be granted the sail number license.

Sale of a Yacht
Should the Licensee sell their yacht the Licensee must notify Australian Sailing in writing immediately, stating as to whether they wish to retain the sail number for a new yacht, or if it is to be transferred to the new owner. If no communication is sent to Australian Sailing the sail number will remain with the registered number Licensee.

If new boat owners (boat buyers) want to become Licensees of the sail number displayed on the yacht, they must include in the notification of sale, that the Licensee (boat seller) agrees on them taking the number over.

This is imperative for the sail number database to be kept up to date.

Breaching this Agreement
Any individual found in breach of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. Action may include termination of any Licence Agreement and the removal of the sail number from the register, making it available for re-issue.

Application Form
All applications for a Licence shall be submitted online using the form below. The form shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and the license agreement check box must be selected.

How to apply
Please complete the application form below. Payment in full is required with your application.

For further information on sail numbers please email


  Relevant Links   

Sail Number Application Form

Sail Number List

Sail Number Prefix List