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Race Officer

Race Officer Program

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   Accreditation & Re-accreditation
   Application Forms


Being a Race Officer places you at the heart of sailing competition. The role requires the ability to perform an entire day on-water, displaying a range of skills such as race equipment preparation, on-water race management and monitoring course safety.

The NOP Race Officer accreditation structure is as follows:

Race Management Team Member

The Race Management Team roles consist of:
•    The Mark Layer
•    The Committee and Finish Boat
•    The Scorer and Handicapper

Qualifying for a Race Management Team Member role is done through completing one of the free online courses. This will equip Australian Sailing members with the knowledge to officiate and utilise best practice at sailing events, supporting the

Race Officer in charge

The Race Officer In charge roles consist of:
•    Regional Race Officer
•    National Race Officer

The Regional and National Race Officer course is used to educate individuals wishing to be the Race Officer in charge. It covers in detail; race documentation, safety, event and race management principles that are common to being a Course Race Officer through to Principal Race Officer at Championship events.

There are a range of courses within the Race Officer Program. Click on any of the courses below to find one near you:


Mark Laying

Delivery: Online
Length: 2 hours self guided

A Team Member capable of assisting in running races as a member of the Race Management Team.


Committee & Finish Boat

Delivery: Online
Length: 2 hours self guided

A Team Member capable of assisting in running races as a member of the Race Management Team.


Scorer & Handicapper 

Delivery: Online
Length: 2 hours self guided




Regional and National Race Officer

Delivery: Face to Face course
                 + 12 hours study
Length: 2 days

The individual responsible for all on water activities, on-course Race Officers, all associated race officials and volunteers. Can successfully work with club staff and regatta scoring/handicapping.


Find all accreditation/re-accreditation courses HERE


Accreditation & Re-accreditation

An official's accreditation starts when their application is approved by Australian Sailing, and lasts for four years.

Mark Layer, Committee and Finish Boat, Scorer and Handicapper


- Be a current member of an Australian Sailing affiliated Club.
- Agree to the Officials Code of Conduct.
- Complete one (or all) of the following courses:
  Online Mark Layer course
  Committee and Finish Boat course
  Scorer and Handicapper course (coming soon)


- Be a current member of an Australian Sailing affiliated Club.
- Agree to the Officials Code of Conduct and acknowledge the Updates to the Racing Rules of Sailing Document.
- Complete the re-accreditation process by registering in the relevant (Mark Layer, Committee and Finish Boat, or Scorer and Handicapper) re-accreditation course (no Study required – registration simply records that you have acknowledged the code of conduct and Updates to the Racing Rules of Sailing Document).


Regional or National Race Officer


- Be a current member of an Australian Sailing affiliated Club.
- Agree to the Officials Code of Conduct.
- Attend a   Regional and National Race Officer course.
- Complete and pass the Regional and National Race Officer Exam
          - Pass mark: 80% National Level
          - Pass mark: 70% Regional Level
- Complete a Practical Assessment.
- Complete an Event Log.


- Be a current member of an Australian Sailing affiliated Club.
- Agree to the Officials Code of Conduct.
- Complete a Practical Assessment.
- Complete an Event Log.

Application Forms

Note that Accreditation is to be used by candidates that are not already accredited at the level (e.g. Regional Race Officers accrediting for the National Race Officer accreditation). Re-accreditation instead is to be used by already accredited Race Officers that want to extend the same level of accreditation they have (e.g. State Race Officers re-accrediting for the Regional Race Officer accreditation).

  Accreditation Re-accreditation
Regional Race Officer Regional Application form Regional Re-accreditation form
National Race Officer National Application form National Re-accreditation form