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Winning the Australian Maxi Championship

Published Fri 09 Sep 2022

The Mini-Maxis and Maxis will meet in Sydney to compete for the 2022 Australian Maxi Championship and picking likely winners is proving to be difficult.

The inaugural Australian Maxi Championship was held in 2021 and hosted by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia. The club has announced the dates of the 2022 edition in their calendar. Racing will begin on 2 December with the Cabbage Tree Island Race, which is a 172 nautical mile offshore category 2 race allowing the maxis to really stretch their legs. After some short passage racing on 5 December, the feet of 60 to 100 footers will belt out the last race in the SOLAS Big Boat Challenge in the tight arena of Sydney Harbour.

Last year the Mini-Maxi division (60 to 80ft) was won by David Griffith’s Whisper, and the two boat Maxi division (80 to 100ft) won by Christian Beck’s Law Connect. In both cases it was a dominating win. Will the 2022 Australian Maxi Championship be different?

Observers of the 2022 Australian Yachting Championship held at Hamilton Island in August will have seen many of boats from the same fleet going through some sparring practice. Wild Oats XI has been dusted off and has returned to racing, Andoo Comanche has made its way back into Australian Waters, and both Scallywag 100 and Black Jack would be reasonably expected to make the start of the Maxi division. This large and very capable fleet would put the crew of Law Connect under tremendous pressure to repeat its first place result.

The Mini-Maxi division also requires consideration. On face value Whisper may well continue being the dominant boat. But Grant Wharington’s Stefan Racing sneaks into this division by being just under 80ft. Given several passage race opportunities to stretch out, the larger of the Mini-Maxis may well have its day. Another boat to look at is Alive. Though underperforming in the 2021 Australian Maxi Championship, Alive won their division of the 2022 Australian Yachting Championship by one point over Whisper.

The Australian Maxi Championship also provides a Racer Cruiser division catering for the many yachts over 60ft who want to join in, but in a more appropriate competition for their ethos. Boat owners and crews who could take part in the Racer Cruiser division really must give entry into the magnificent event serious consideration.

Racing for the Australian Maxi Championship will be scored under IRC.

For information about the 2022 Australian Maxi Championship click here.
To watch the tight Mini-Maxi finish from 2021 click here.
For more about the IRC rating rule click here.

By Glen Stanaway
