
Safety Resources for Clubs

Published Fri 09 Apr 2021

Clubs are reminded that there is a superb stash of safety resources on the Australian Sailing website.

The information on the Australian Sailing website is available to all clubs and classes who conduct racing. The resources aim to ensure consistent safe practices throughout the Australian sailing community.

Resources available start with the Safety Code Induction, which is a short, online course designed for sailing managers, race officials, sailing committees and class association officials. The course will help these people understand the role the play in safety, and how that role interfaces with others’ roles.

Also on the website are templates and guides to help implement safety management systems, and risk and incident management plans. The resources are based on available Safety and Risk Management Standards, recommendations from Sport Australia and recognised best practices. Many clubs will already have these plans in place, and checking those against these templates will confirm their approach to safety is robust and comprehensive.

All clubs should have some form of insurance to mitigate the impact of a safety incident and there are guidance available on this. Insurance is the final backup plan. When all else fails and a problem arises, it will be the insurance company who helps you out.

The Safety Code Induction can be found at
Templates and guides for risk and incident management are at
Insurance options of interest to clubs are at
Workplace Health and Safety information is at

By Glen Stanaway 
