
Safety Information Notices

Published Wed 19 Feb 2020

Four new Safety Information Notices have been published addressing batteries for racing yachts, navigation lights, crew briefings and sun protection.

Batteries used in racing yachts come in various forms. The Special Regulations do not provide any guidance on batteries other than specifying in SR 3.26 that they must be a sealed type. The notice comes in response to questions about Lithium Ion batteries and whether they are compliant with the Special Regulations (which they are). The thorough document was produced by Ray Shaw of the National Safety Committee.

Navigation lights are a complex issue especially with the way the Special Regulations interplay with the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea. The complexity is amplified when considering the practical shortcomings of yachts’ sail and rig plans. This notice is another thorough body of work pulled together by Chris Oxenbould and others on a World Sailing working party.

The notice about briefing crew is a simple but important reminder to skippers and owners. A safety briefing should be conducted before each race no matter whether it is a twilight race, or offshore for a few nights. If an emergency arises it is important for all crew to be aware of where the safety equipment is stowed and how to use it.

The message about the need for sun protection has been around for a long time in Australia. Skin damage cause by UV exposure is possibly sailing’s greatest risk with many sailors having a need for treatment in later life. This notice reiterates the timeless message about sunscreen, hats, shirts and sunglasses.

The Safety Information Notices are published at
