
Retrieval of Crew from Water

Published Wed 19 Feb 2020

Boats shall be able to demonstrate equipment or a method to assist crew back on board.

This blanket statement applicable to Categories 1 to 6 is covered in Special Regulation 4.26 which can be read at This seems simple to solve and demonstrate. The boat may be a sports boat with low enough freeboard to explain simply pulling the crew in is an option. Perhaps the yacht uses a sling or hoist.

When an Equipment Auditor is with a boat owner the explanation of the method and showing the relevant pieces of equipment is enough. It makes sense, right?

What is often missed is the recommendation that crew practice this. Special Regulation 6.01.2 speaks to this when advising crews to practise safety routines at reasonable intervals including the drill for man overboard recovery.

Equipment Auditors should bring this recommendation to the boat owner’s attention when conducting an audit. Whilst the practice of man overboard recovery cannot be audited, the check for a method and equipment under 4.26 provides a perfect opportunity to speak with the owner about the sense in practicing it. The crew might be surprised how hard their system is to use in emergency. And we know that practice makes perfect. 

