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Removing fixed equipment under IRC

Published Wed 10 Jul 2024

In recent years there have been changes in the Special Regulations and race requirements around the use of satellite phones and HF radio. The most recent is the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race which no longer requires a HF radio to be carried. Many boats will be taking this gear off the boat either in response to the Special Regulations evolving, or a particular race. But because a boat's weight for an IRC rating is taken to the nearest 10 kilograms, it doesn’t take much equipment to be removed before an amendment is required.

A relatively small boat that did this found the electronics taken from the boat weighed around 14kg. Will that make a difference to its rating? It’s uncertain as the IRC rule is secret, and it depends on whether the decimal placs on a boat’s IRC rating are about to click over to a higher number. On smaller boats the potential for change is greater as they weigh a lot less.

Australian Sailing’s main concern, however, is integrity of the system and race results, even if its just perception. The IRC rules are quite clear saying in 12.1Weight shall be taken to the nearest kilogram except in the case of boat weight which shall be to the nearest 10 kilograms. Normal mathematical conventions shall apply, with 0.5 rounding up.

So if you are removing a HF radio and related electronics, or even other fixed equipment, take note of its weight and if necessary, have the IRC rating amended. The most effective time for doing this is when revalidating. Most people currently weigh the fixed equipment they remove from their yachts and when the weight is confirmed by a Measurer, they submit amendments to the overall weight.

For information about IRC, click here.
The IRC measurement manual is here.

By Glen Stanaway 

