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New Registration Flow

Published Mon 04 Apr 2022

revolutioniseSPORT has upgraded their online registration process to a wizard-based approach – meaning that members will be stepped through the process and find all applicable registration options in one place.

This applies to clubs who are utilising online registration for membership and/or SailPass. 

This new workflow will be rolled out to Sailing on Monday 2 May 2022.

The benefits:

  • A clearer process, funnelling members exactly where they need to be - New or Returning members.
  • This means members can choose between registering for:
    • Full membership: any club membership category that the club allows online registration for, and/or
    • SailPass membership
  • The system has more integrity checks - members with existing Australian Sailing profiles are identified and directed to find their AS number, avoiding duplicate AS numbers being created
  • Online renewal for administrators is now supported.
  • Visibility of fees is clearer to members.
  • Payment class selection now filtered by eligibility the moment a member renews, for example an adult will be unable to renew as a Junior Member


So - What do you have to do?

In order to transition to this new registration process, your club will need to make some changes in your revSPORT portal:

Does your club offer SailPass?  
TO DO: Update your current SailPass page

The existing SailPass page will no longer have the embedded registration form at the bottom so you will need to direct visitors to the new registration page.

Keep your current SailPass page, and add a link/button to the registration page for SailPass members ([myclubname]/registration).

Go to SITE
Click on edit next to your SailPass page
Scroll to the bottom of the page and add a link that says CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR SAILPASS (or similar)

 NOTE:  This can only be done AFTER the the new process is implemented on Monday 2 May, 2022.

If your club determines that you no longer need the SailPass page, this is completely okay and you can add your SailPass content to your registration page (by going to Site > and clicking  edit next to the ‘Registration’ page.


Does your club manage membership via another system but SailPass with revSPORT?
TO DO: Remove your non-SailPass membership payment classes from the online registration form

You will need to ensure that your membership payment classes are not available for registration. 

Click on edit next to each of your non-SailPass payment classes
Scroll to the bottom of the payment class settings and uncheck Display at registration

This ensures your membership payment classes are not available on your public registration form.

 NOTE: this can only be done NOW and does not require the new registration process to be in place to action. 


Does your club use QR codes to access a SPECIFIC SailPass?
TO DO: Update the link used for your QR code

All payment class links will update after migration.

If your club uses a direct link to a SPECIFIC SailPass payment class, you will need to update the URL(link) used to create your QR code.

Currently the URL for a specific SailPass looks like this:[myclubname]/temporary-member/payment class ID/ 

With the new workflow, the URL will change to[myclubname]/rego/start/&membership=payment class ID

These new links will be accessible by:

Click on edit next to each of your non-SailPass payment classes
Click on  Registration link - this will open a page with your updated payment class link

 NOTE:  This can only be done AFTER the the new process is implemented on Monday 2 May, 2022.


The new registration process (have a look)

The new registration process takes the member through a step by step process beginning with two buttons directing the member to the correct registration for them. Below are some key screenshots to show the improvements in the process.

Here you see the Returning Member and New Member buttons.


Returning members will need to use their Australian Sailing Number, First and Last Name and DOB to begin the renewal process (see below) New members will be creating their online profile from scratch (see below)
All active membership options are in the one place
For anyone who begins registration as a new member but does have an Australian Sailing profile will receive a prompt to use the Australian Sailing Number checker to locate and use their existing profile.
For Credit Card payments, transaction fees are displayed prior to payment being made


If you need support, we are here to help - Let us know via email or contact your Club Support Officer: 

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