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Measuring flying headsails

Published Fri 09 Sep 2022

Both IRC and ORC require flying headsails to be measured, but there are differences in descriptions and data that boats and measurers need to be aware of.

Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) definition of a flying head sail is any sail set with no edge attached to the rig (ERS G1.2). The IRC Rule overrides ERS G.1.3(d) by adding that it must also be set forward of the forestay. If the ratio of the half-width and foot measurements is greater than 75% the sail is classified as a spinnaker under IRC and ORC ratings, when less than 62.5% for IRC only it is classified as a headsail.

Both IRC and ORC require flying headsails to be measured. IRC only reports the largest flying sail. When getting your flying sails measured it is best to measure and confirm the mid-girth to foot ratio first this can save additional measurements. Where the sail less than 75% it will need to be measured and include the additional measurements for a headsail.

Where IRC only requires the largest sail to be measured. ORC requires all flying sails (spinnakers and headsails) be measured including those flown inside the forestay (staysails etc.). If the vessel has multiple tack points and hoist heights for the outside flying sail these measurements are also required and the sails used on these different points identified.

IRC Description
ORC Description
The luff length of the largest area flying headsail.
Shall be the luff length all flying sails.
The luff perpendicular of the largest area flying headsail.
Shall be the luff perpendicular all flying sails.
The half width of the largest area flying headsail.
Shall be the half width all flying sails
The three-quarter width of the largest area flying headsail.
Shall be the three-quarter width all flying sails.
The seven-eighths width of the largest area flying headsail.
Shall be the seven-eighths width all flying sails

There is no equivalent measurement for IRC.
The top width of all flying sails.
The foot length of the largest area flying headsail (measured as a spinnaker). 
Shall be the foot-length all spinnakers and asymmetrical sails.
The half width of the largest area flying headsail (measured as a spinnaker).
Shall be the half width all spinnakers and asymmetrical sails

To find out more about ORC and IRC ratings click here.

By Chris Zonca
