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Insurance for Racing Yachts

Published Wed 11 Aug 2021

Boat owners may be experiencing difficulties getting adequate insurance, and Australian Sailing is trying to help resolve the issues.  

Insurance for racing yachts remains a major focus for Australian Sailing and whilst there is progress, it is gradual. Better loss and damage insurance for offshore racing yachts is being investigated under options such as group insurance or discretionary trusts.

A key part of this process is helping underwriters understand the risk factors behind the insurance market. Network Steadfast, insurance partner to Australian Sailing have created an online portal that acts as an information gathering tool, which captures the necessary information and can be found here;  If you would like to assist Network Steadfast to better understand the needs of racing keelboats in the insurance marketplace, please take the time to complete this questionnaire.  

There is a possibility that indemnity and liability insurance for contracted/paid skippers may be addressed by naming the contracted skipper on the policy. This is usually considered on a case-by-case basis by the insurer and better informs them on the experience and qualification of the person sharing responsibility for the boat.

For more information on insurance go to

By Glen Stanaway
