
Handling Expired Equipment Audit Forms

Published Fri 15 May 2020

Clubs planning a restart to racing may have to change practices around handling expired equipment audit forms.

In normal years expired equipment audit forms would not be a problem. Clubs and boat owners are well drilled in getting boats and their safety equipment audited in an efficient manner annually. But as we’re all acutely aware things are a little different this year with the COVID-19 related restrictions brought on by government public health policies.

There is uncertainty around when COVID-19 restrictions will lift allowing racing to begin again and when Equipment Auditors will have the ability to audit boats. Nonetheless clubs are planning races and need to know what a reasonable expectation is of boats and equipment audits this year.

We recommend that clubs planning for racing should consider giving owners an extra six months by accepting audit forms 6 months beyond their expiry date. Typically forms expire 30 June 2020 and we are asking clubs to give owners and Equipment Auditors some space by simply providing them an extension. Whether a club chooses to do this is a matter for them, the risk profile of the races in question, and what is practical for all concerned.

Often the Notice of Race for an event stipulates that an audit form must be current. The practice of copying last year’s handbook or race documents might create a technical problem, but one easily fixed. The club could simply amend this coming season’s race documents to enable the latitude and extension of form currency. We always recommend the club posts a notice to competitors to make sure owners are aware.

We trust this is seen as a pragmatic approach to helping clubs who are trying to set themselves up for when racing starts again.

For more on equipment auditing go to

By Glen Stanaway
