
Applying for a CBH rating

Published Thu 01 Dec 2022

Sports boat Class Associations, manufactures or production sports boats, and sports boat owners can all apply for a CBH rating.

Originally, the purpose of the CBH to encourage, where possible, has been the rating of boats as a class rather than individually, although this does not preclude the measurement of modified boats within classes and rating of one of a kind (OAK) designs.

Applications for measurement and CBH calculation should come from the Class Association, or the manufacturer or his agent and a set of Class Rules should be lodged with the application for measurement.

The owners of modified boats or OAK designs should submit their applications in as much detail as possible and provide the same information as that required for Class boats. Applications should be made via the online form, and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee, as determined by Australian Sailing. On completion of measurement, the measurer will forward the data to the Australian Sailing Ratings Office, for calculation and preparation of the CBH rating. Part-measurements and checking of alterations must be applied for in the same way as a full measurement and a fee paid.

All new measurements and CBH results will be published on the Australian Sailing website in the CBH rating list. Australian Sailing will not issue any personal rating certificates.

For more information about CBH click here.

By Glen Stanaway
