Discover Sailing Centres

Discover Sailing Centres are accredited to deliver Australian Sailing learn to sail and powerboat programs utilising trained and qualified Australian Sailing Instructors. The Centres adhere to safety standards and follow systems and processes that ensure repeated customer satisfaction. The Centres can proudly use the Discover Sailing brand because they consistently deliver quality experiences that meet or exceed contemporary community expectations.

Benefits of being an accredited Discover Sailing Centre: 

    Fulfilment of community and customer expectations.  
    Fulfilment of duty of care.  
    Recognition by Australian Maritime Safety Authority, and State Marine Regulators.  
    Recognition by other government departments.  
    Access to qualified Instructors.  
    Access to Nationally Recognised Programs, Courses, materials, and standards.  
    Minimised risk and reduced exposure to liability. 
    Unambiguous insurance cover.  
    National promotion of upcoming courses via the Discover Sailing Website. 
    National registration and recognition software. 
    Support by Club Support Officers in developing and managing programs. 


How to become a DSC

Discover Sailing Centres are a club or centre which is accredited to deliver Australian Sailing learn to sail, or powerboat programs.

Benefits of accreditation
Accreditation & reaccreditation process

Australian Sailing Programs

The Australian Sailing training programs cover all types and levels of boating, ranging from learning to sail a dinghy, through to cruising, top level racing, windsurfing and power boating.

Click here to view our programs

Discover Sailing Marketing

Austrlaian Sailing has developed marketing materials to assist our Centres in promoting programs.

Take a look

Discover Sailing Day

Designed to both attract participants to the club on the day, and to send a strong message to the local community throughout the year that clubs are open and welcome new participants!

Discover Sailing Day is FREE

  Check out Discover Sailing Day

Instructors & Coaches

For all things training and education for building your workforce, take a look at our Training Hub

- Instructor and coach training
- RYA courses
- International certificate of currency

Visit the Training Hub

Duke of Edinburgh

Australian Sailing are proud to partner with the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award via the Duke 4Sport partnership. 

 Click here to learn more


Keep up to date with the latest Training news