Victorian Covid Update - 25th September 2021

The Victorian Government announced its COVID roadmap on Sunday, which includes the various vaccination-related targets. 

The roadmap intends to restrict unnecessary movement to prevent the spread of the virus until we have met the vaccination goals set by the national plan. It is essential to understand that this is a high-level document and further information is expected to be released as the targets are reached. 

Please see attached the national road map, with additional Sailing specific details for both Regional and Metropolitan Melbourne. A copy of the Governments roadmap can be found HERE.

Below is a summary of changes expected to occur when Victoria reaches 80% single doses for Victorians 16+. 

  Metro Melbourne Regional Victoria
Leaving Home •    Six reasons to leave home 
•    Curfew in place 
•    10km travel restriction in place 
•    No travel between Metro and regional Vic (Unless authorised) 
•    Face Masks must be worn Indoors and Outdoors 
•    NO restrictions to leave home 
•    NO restrictions on travel (within regional Vic) 
•    Travel between Metro and regional Vic not permitted (unless authorised) 
•    Face Masks must be worn Indoors and Outdoors
Sailing •    Club Houses access – Not permitted. This includes toilets and changerooms 
•    Training courses- Not permitted 
•    Club Racing- Not permitted
•    Coaching: Must be for exercise purposes, max two people (plus the coach), or max of 5 people if everyone attending who is 18 years or older (and the trainer) has received both of their COVID-19 vaccinations
•    Equipment to be cleaned between uses
•    Recreational Sailing can occur. 
•    Club Houses access – Not permitted. This includes toilets and changerooms 
•    Club Racing- Not permitted
•    Training courses 
o    Limited to the number required to participate (one parent may stay to supervise)
o    Training should only be open to members of your club (no come and try programs) 
o    Must only use outdoor facilities (no indoor training allowed)
•    Coaching:Must be for exercise purposes. Max two people (plus the coach) or max of 4 people from one household if everyone attending who is 18 years or older (and the trainer) has received both of their COVID-19 vaccinations
•    Equipment to be cleaned between uses
•    Recreational Sailing can occur. 20 people per outdoor facility Density Quotas of 4m2 (e.g. 20 people within your yard at once)
     *Caps do not apply if 50 metres distance can be maintained between groups outdoors 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Australian Sailing mandating vaccines?
Australian Sailing strongly encourages the sailing community to get vaccinated. State and federal governments are currently determining legislation with respect to vaccination, and we will continue to provide guidance as this is updated. The sooner we are all vaccinated, the sooner we can all get back on the water.

How do we manage group limits for vaccinated/ non vaccinated members?
SRV has informed us that the government is in the final steps to roll out an app that will link your vaccine status to the QR log in codes. We expect to hear more on how this will work in the coming weeks. 

SRV is developing advice for volunteer clubs to adhere to the Government rules. Australian Sailing will share this as it becomes available. 

Can I collect a copy of the vaccine certificate?
SRV recommends that clubs do not keep a copy of any medical certificate on file. Instead, they recommend requesting to view the physical certificate or the Medicare vaccine passport displayed on their phone. 

Should I put my vaccination certificate on my Australian Sailing profile?
No. Clubs should use the government certificate/ app as the source of truth for proof of vaccination.

Do I need to wear a mask whilst sailing?
Masks should be worn when rigging up and packing up. They can be removed for practical reasons when sailing. 

I am planning to run an event; do we need to do anything around event applications?
SRV are waiting for further advice by the health minister. You should however plan you event to mitigate any covid risks and prepare a covid safe plan. 

How many people can I have on my boat? 
Metro Melbourne – under the current restrictions you are required to meet the public gathering guidelines 
Regional Victoria – under the current restrictions you may have the required number of people to train safely (no spectators or joy rides) 

There is a lot of questions that have been raised through the introduction of the road map, many do not have answers at this stage. If you have any questions, please email them through and we will seek to clarify them for you.