Incorporating an Association

Incorporating a Class Association

ACT Information on how to set-up a new Incorporated Association from the Office of Regulatory Services
NSW Information for NSW based associations on running & setting up an incorporated association from the NSW Department of Fair Trading
Northern Territory Information for Incorporated Associations from the NT Department of Business
Queensland A guide and downloadable forms from the Office of Fair Trading QLD for Associations based in Queensland.
South Australia Information for South Australian based Associations to incorporate from the SA Office of Consumer & Business Affairs, including helpful information on the responsibilities of the Public Officer
Tasmania Information from Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading for Associations incorporating in Tasmania
Victoria All the information and forms you need for incorporating in Victoria from Consumer Affairs Victoria, including model rules and fact sheets.
Western Australia Comprehensive information for WA Associations wishing to Incorporate from Fair Trading WA. Includes guides on how to incorporate, FAQ's and application forms.


National Class Associations

Some organisations, like associations, can only conduct business in their 'home' state or territory.

National Class Associations can become a Registered Australian Body, this enables organisations to trade throughout all states and territories within Australia.

Visit the ASIC website for more information

For more information and resources for your Class, visit the Class Associations page