Class Affiliation

Class-based sailing forms the backbone of activity at a vast majority of Clubs.

Class Associations represent the interests of a particular type of boat that can range from organising competitions, working with Clubs, communications, building of boats, maintenance of moulds and upholding rules through a system of Class Rules measurement controls.

Class Associations are diverse and cover all types of sailing from windsurfing to catamarans, dinghies and keelboats and caters for Open Classes that encourage development through to strict One Design Classes with narrow tolerances. Some are sailed locally in small numbers through to International and Olympic Classes that are sailed worldwide.

Affiliation with Australian Sailing

A single affiliation fee is charged to National Class Associations, this fee covers all State Class Associations affiliated with the National Class Association.

To be affiliated, classes must have the minimum affiliation requirements below:

  • National Class Association that represents all related States or fleets or only one State/ fleet association will be recognised as a proxy if no national body exists
  • Constitution
  • Incorporated Association or Registered Australian Body Link to more information
  • Keep class office bearers registration current
  • Representative team selection policies to follow AS guidelines


Benefits of Affiliation

For any queries, please email Sport Services


All state based fees have been removed and a single affiliation fee is charged to Class Associations. This is regardless of the number of related State associations that a class may have. The affiliation year is 1st July to 30th June each year. There are no pro rata fees.

National Class Associations

Some organisations, like associations, can only conduct business in their 'home' state or territory. By becoming a Registered Australian Body, these organisations can trade throughout all states and territories within Australia. For more information visit the ASIC website here


Click here to express your interest in affiliation


Relevant Links

List of Affiliated Classes

World Sailing International Classes