Equipment audit FAQ

Equipment Auditing FAQ's

How do I get my boat audited?
Generally clubs organise a number of regular inspection dates prior to the commencement of each season to do audits for the club’s members’ yachts. Contact your club to arrange an audit or alternatively use the search function to find an auditor at your club.

When do audits expire?
Forms are valid for 12 months from the date of audit, or unless stated in the Notice of Race.

Where can I find current equipment audit forms?
On the AS website, Equipment Auditing page

If my yacht fails an audit, can I request a new audit?
Firstly a request should be made to the club’s senior auditor and if the matter is not resolved then the owner has the right to request redress under the Racing Rules of Sailing

Are there fees for auditing (payable by the yacht owner and/ or to the auditor)
Equipment auditors are volunteers. Generally there is no fee for conducting an audit. Some auditors may charge a fee for conducting audits on yachts that have more than one audit per year or if requested at inconvenient times.

Who can be an auditor?
Any member of an affiliated sailing club. Typically you would be expected to have a strong understanding of the Special Regulations, have experience in sailing yachts, sailed a yacht in a cat 2 race etc.

How do I become accredited or reaccredited as an auditor?
All equipment auditors are accredited by AS via an online process and recorded in the database on the individual’s MySailor profile.

How do I know if I have passed the test?
Australian Sailing will review the test with participants in the face to face course then notify you on the day whether you have passed.
Once all components for accreditation have been satisfied and processed by Australian Sailing, all equipment auditors’ accreditation details are displayed through individuals MySailor profile.

When does accreditation expire?
Accreditation expires four years from the date of your accreditation.

Where can I find a list of Equipment Auditors?
The full list of auditors can be found on the AS Find an Official finder.

When are the courses held?
Upcoming courses are listed on the AS Find a Course finder and are generally held between April- June each year. Additional courses can be requested.

How do I know if there are any amendments to the Special Regulations?
Australian Sailing post all amendments to the Special Regulations on the AS website. AS will contact all affiliated clubs and accredited auditors.

Insurance- when are auditors covered and by whom?
Accredited auditors are covered by Australian Sailing’s public liability and indemnity insurance policy for negligent action or advice..

Can I conduct an audit on an interstate yacht?

Who do I contact for further information?
Please send us an email.