Safety & Sea Survival

Safety and Sea Survival (SSS)

The Australian Sailing Safety and Sea Survival course was developed following the fatalities of the 1998 Sydney to Hobart Race.  This course is an essential learning forum for anyone who takes to sea, whether by sail or motor vessel, or for professional or recreational reasons.  The intensive two day course aims to deliver up-to-date information and current techniques in an interactive environment.  Included in the course are practical exercises where candidates will become familiar with the deployment and use of liferafts, and the use of inflatable lifejackets in a pool; plus a flare deployment practice.

The certificate awarded meets the eligibility requirements of section 6.01 of the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations for Category 0, 1 and some Category 2 offshore races.

Course Detail

Safety & Sea Survival courses are conducted by specialist instructors at Australian Sailing Accredited Centres throughout Australia.


The SSS course involves classroom presentations & learning activities, and practical exercises in the use of liferafts, inflatable lifejackets & distress flares. Of 16 hrs duration the course is usually delivered over 2 full days and is facilitated by Safety & Sea Survival Instructors at approved training centres. The maximum teaching ratio for this course is 20 students to 1 SSS Instructor (in the classroom) with a reduced ratio of 10:1 for pool sessions. Practical exercises are usually conducted in heated public swimming pools, but may be conducted in clean and enclosed salt-water pools and Marinas providing the water is clean, the temperature is at least 15oC, and all associated risks have been managed.


To: Provide all persons intending to go to sea, in sailing or motor yachts, whether cruising or racing, with skills and essential knowledge that will maximise their chances of survival in water or liferafts following a man overboard situation or vessel abandonment; and familiarise sailors with the latest personal and vessel safety equipment, its purpose, deployment, and most effective use; and present and discuss prevention and coping strategies for incidents and emergencies at sea


The content of the World Sailing (International Sailing Federation [ISAF]) 'Model Training Course for Offshore Personal Survival' attendees will be met, and participants will receive a Course Completion Certificate that satisfies the requirements for most Category 0, 1 and 2 races.  With a 5 year validity the certificate can be updated by attending an 8 hour (minimum) refresher course, however for those who do not go to sea regularly, it is highly recommended that a full 2 day course is completed.

What to do afterwards?

Go Boating and enjoy your Cruising or Racing adventures!


Consider aspiring to become a Coastal, Offshore or Ocean Yachtmaster, and for the very experienced, becoming a SSS Instructor.

Maintaining your Certificate

The SSS course certificate is valid for 5 years.  For sailors whose certificates have expired, a refresher (or update) course of 8 hours tuition time may be attended.  The refresher course is designed for active offshore racing sailors and anyone who does not sail regularly should seriously consider attending a full 2 day Safety & Sea Survival course.  An update course also provides a valuable refresher to cruising sailors.

Click here for more information on the Refresher (Update) Course.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Australian Sailing recognises that professional Mariners may have attended courses with similar content. As such, you may be able to credit previous qualifications towards a Safety and Sea Survival Course Certificate.  For more information on RPL and to apply please click here.

Find a Safety and Sea Survival course


Becoming a Safety and Sea Survival Instructor

Safety & Sea Survival Centres

Recognition of Prior Learning