
Introducing Jenni Maclean

In her role as a member of the Australian Sailing board, Jenni Maclean is also Chair of the National Safety Committee.

Likely Questions

When there is a fatality in sailing the club will need to provide information as a response to quite reasonable questions from authorities.

How to Report on Critical Incidents

Clubs have a moral and regulated responsibility to report significant safety incidents, but just how do they do it? We look at a recent example from Moreton Bay, Queensland.

Effective Rescue Capability

Ray Shaw, a member of the National Safety Committee has written an article that assists with understanding what should be considered for effective rescue capability.

Off the Beach Boats

Improving safety attitudes in dinghy fleets is something three clubs have turned their attention to.

Hatches and Companionways

A common problem area for boat owners and Equipment Auditors is how to assess the securing system to keep hatches closed and washboards in place.

Safety Culture

Safety culture is the outcome of how the club’s committee, boat owners, race officials and crews think and act.

Safety Committees

There is a strong network of committees in place to look after safety including overarching policy, the specific nature of auditing, and supporting clubs.

Safety Information Notices

Four new Safety Information Notices have been published addressing batteries for racing yachts, navigation lights, crew briefings and sun protection.